ROM In The Real World
Case Studies
The Connecticut Department of Children and Families has been under the order of a court-supervised consent decree since 1991. In addition to federal reporting requirements, the consent decree created a need for a child welfare reporting system.
Colorado family services are state-supervised and county-administered, which means that policy and practice are set at the state level by the Colorado Department of Human Services, but 64 counties are tasked with carrying out child welfare casework on the local level. That means 64 varying types of technology, staff levels, and resources.
TFI Kansas
The Kansas foster care system is privatized, contracting with non-profit organizations for foster care, adoption, and permanency service. TFI Kansas is a foster care contractor serving designated regions. Since TFI doesn’t serve the entirety of the state, the agency needed a way to monitor data quality and accuracy for cases transferred from other regions.